Our Security

100% Security

In Krosat we are 100% committed to security.

We meet or exceed the latest security standards and best practices in the industry.

In Krosat we use the latest security protocols.

To support the user’s experience when navigating within our website, we have adopted the use of the most advanced security protocols available.

The architecture of our web portal has been designed following the best security practices in the industry.

For this we have several important IT Security providers that are leaders in the industry, which provide us with external certification services and remote monitoring of our website.

Although our Online Store has its own controls and internal security scans, the use of external providers that verify and execute the security processes add a redundancy component in our security making it more robust.

Krosat Avatar icon

Is it safe to buy in Krosat?

Yes, buying in our online store is very safe and reliable.

In Krosat we have spared no effort in using the latest technology available in the online store industry.

We have set our attention to every detail of security that is under our knowledge, trying to have a site at the forefront of security standards.

We have different layers of security, redundancy systems, high availability architecture and automatic backup algorithms.

The reliability of our site and the shopping experience of our customers is for us a fundamental element that defines us as a membership website.

Our store meets and/or exceeds all the standards and regulations in the industry.

Authenticated Security Certificate

TLS-1.3 Certification

The TLS security certificates that we use in Krosat are issued by Let’s Encrypt.

Let’s Encrypt is one of the largest certificate authorities in cyber security. They have issued more than 380 million certificates worldwide.

Based in the San Francisco California, they are dedicated to issuing, validating and legitimizing security certificates by an automated process designed to overcome manual creation, validation, signing, installation, and renewal of certificates for secure websites.

Krosat uses the services and products of Let’s Encrypt; who validates our security and certifies the validity of our TLS security protocols.

Let's Encrypt Logo

Atribution By Source, Fair use, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=47031340

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